Monday, September 30, 2013

3.0 Journal Entry

     So last week we worked a lot on jumping.  We also worked on incredibly fun choreography involving very sharp movements done with intensity followed by a very controlled retreat through lasers.

     I feel that I am definitely improving in various ways.  There is an immense difference between my abilities at the start of class and now.  My flexibility is improving, as is my control, as well as many small, subtle, indescribable things.  Week to week it is hard to see any difference at all.  Only when I think back and try to compare do I see anything at all different.  I still have a long way to go though, but what I can notice gives me much hope for the future.  I am excited : )

     On Friday we worked on jumping in a very fun, although somewhat intimidating, way.  We were given about 15 minutes to work in groups of three or four on a choreography incorporating the 4 different types of jumps that we have learned in the past couple weeks.  Having to incorporate the whole groups idea into a single piece was a very interesting process.  Ideas you have in your head are taken in a completely different direction by others and vice versa.  I found I had to not be attached to my ideas and let things kind of come to rest how they fell once put through the minds of the group.  It turned out really nicely.  I had a lot of fun.

     I love watching the different qualities of the same movements throughout every group and even within the group between the different dancers doing the same choreography.  Where they were looking, where they had their arms and legs.  Even their position on the stage.  It made the dance uplifting, or heavy, or amusing, or like they were dancing on hot coal, or leaping through snow, or knee high water.  It was mesmerizing.   I wish I could have more eyes to notice more things.

     I can't wait to start working on our choreographed piece for the end of the semester.  So much potential.  Potential is one of the best things.  It's like going to an art store and looking at all the new supplies and that smell of a blank art notebook and all the potential behind it.  Only instead of art supplies, its your own mind and an increasing vocabulary of movement and concept of space.

     Another interesting thing happened to me last week in class.  Someone had apparently been watching the class and pulled me aside in the middle of it to ask if I wanted to perform.  I didn't know.  So she told me to come to the first meeting that Thursday and see if I was interested.  I went, and I am!  It was so fun to learn a choreography with five other people.  The feeling of accomplishment from learning the piece and just being able to keep up with other dancers was really inspiring and left me with a sense of fulfillment that almost only comes from dancing.

     After that night, I started to seriously contemplate changing my major to dance, or at least double majoring.  I need to do more research, but I feel that I would feel so much more fulfilled being a dancer than anything else.   I already devote such a large portion of my time to it, it seems like a wise choice if not the most practical.

Circumstance is so intriguing.

Anyway I am going to call it a night.

Till next time,

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