Monday, September 16, 2013

1.0 In the Beginning...

     Recently I was asked to keep a journal of reflections of my experiences in my first ever Modern Dance class at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa, and to my surprise I immediately thought of blogging.

     I haven't had a blog since 7th grade when Xanga was all the rage with the (pre)pubescent crowd.  I haven't touched it or even thought of it for nearly that long.  Thus it seems strange to be doing it again and brings back a host of strange nostalgia.  Fortunately, for the life of this blog, it has far more purpose behind it than it's predecessor.

     My journaling assignment was given to me a couple weeks ago, and it has taken me that long to finally convince myself that this would be the best approach I could take.  I kept comig up with more and more useful and hopefully inspiring ways in which I could (and hopefully would) use this blog as a place to reflect on more than just my work in dance, but as my life as a work in progress.

    Works in Progress is a blog that will serve a few purposes.  The first (and most immediately relevant and pressing) is as a Journal to record my wanderings(wonderings?) through Dance 131.  Hopefully however I expand it into becoming a place to reflect on my life as whole.  Thus I will be posting on whatever happens to catch my fancy, as well as more specific endeavors as a way to remember the various things I learn.  Specifically however I will be posting on topics such as my recently acquired interest in Archery, my well established interest in learning how to dance Lindy and Balboa, and finally (at least for now) my quest to master American Sign Language.

     For now, It may help to note I will be labeling all posts relevant to journaling for my classes with the Class Number for easy access. For Example; all entries for my Beginning Modern Technique class will be labeled with Dance131.

     Ready, Set, Go!

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